

校長的話(特別版)- 給世界龍岡學校劉德容紀念小學家長及學生的一封信
Message from the Principal (Special Edition) – a letter to all the parents and students of LKWFS Ltd Lau Tak Yung Memorial Primary School

Dear parents and students,

Today is Tuesday, 4th February, 2020. It should be the first day of the school term and I wish I could greet all of you outside the school gate as I used to do and could say some Chinese traditional greetings to all of you. However, the coronavirus has come suddenly and it makes our learning progression a mess. There is lots of news about the epidemic situation every single day which make everyone feel worried. From the beginning of the epidemic, all the teachers and I miss and worry all the students and parents especially those who have been to Mainland and who live there. I wish all of you have good health and are in safe condition.

The school will suspend for almost a month. I believe that parents will have a lot of questions about the arrangement of the second term: How to arrange our children’ learning? What can parents do to help student learn? About the Extra-curricular Activities(ECA), lunch, competition and so on, how does the school arrange? When do parents submit the form of ‘Student Grant’? How to arrange the coming examination? What do parents need to do who visited Mainland during holiday?...... The school will have the following arrangements for the above questions or more.

1. 由於教育局於2020年1月31日已宣佈全港學校延長農曆新年假期至2020年3月1日止,暫定於3月2日(星期一)復課。為防控疫情,請盡量減少外出,尚在外地的家長及同學應盡快回港。若曾經到過內地,請回港後自我隔離14天。
On 31st January, 2020, the Education Bureau (EDB) announced the arrangements on deferral of class resumption and would resume the school as early as 2nd March, yet subject to further assessment. For the prevention of the epidemic, the students should avoid going out. Parents should arrange the students who are now travelling overseas to return to Hong Kong soon. If you and your children have been to Mainland, please do the isolation yourself for 14 days at home.

2. 在課程方面,教育局已提示學校要做好「停課不停教、停課不停學」的準備工作,雖然老師與學生不能面對面上課,但我們會利用電子學習平台,讓同學們在家中也能學習。班主任將於二月六日前將以電話方式聯絡各位家長有關安排。
In the curriculum, the EDB reminds that deferral of class resumption is by no means to stop learning and the school should make good use of e-learning to arrange appropriate learning activities for students. Although students and teachers cannot meet each other at school, we can use e-learning platform to let students learn at home. Class teachers will contact all the parents on or before 6th February, 2020 by phone to tell all the arrangements on deferral of class resumption.

3. 為了防止感染新型冠狀病毒,不少家庭選擇留在家中。建議家長利用這個「悠長」假期,建立良好的親子關係,與孩子一同閱讀,引導孩子學習不同的知識,例如:科學、大自然、不同國家歷史文化、地理等。此外,家長亦應趁此機會培養學生的品德,例如:關心家人、朋友、愛惜大自然及生命。防控疫情,也可以成為孩子成長的一課。現附上一個名為「掌握孩子冠狀病毒」的繪本,希望家長可以與子女一起閱讀。
To prevent the coronavirus, most of the families choose to stay at home. We suggest that parents to make good use of this ‘long’ vacation to build up a good parental relationship and read with the children. It can arouse your childs interest to learn different knowledge such as science, nature, history and culture of different countries, geography and so on. Besides, parents can take this opportunity to cultivate your children morality such as care of others, treasure the natural resources and lives and so on.

4. 為做好疫情防控工作,學校會定期作全校清潔,確保師生在開學後有一個安全及清潔的環境上課。另外,為降低感染風險,在此我們呼籲大家為了健康安全,千萬不要與孩子到人多擠迫的地方,更要考慮停止到私人機構參加課程。
To do the best on the epidemic prevention, the school is cleaned regularly to make sure it is a safe and clean environment for students to learning and we are ready for the class resumption. Also, to reduce the risk of being affected, the school appeals all the students should not go to crowded places and parents should refrain their children from attending group/ECA activities which is held by private organization.

5. 我們一直非常關心曾經到過內地,特別是湖北武漢度歲的家長和學生,希望大家能平安返港。根據疫情防控要求,請曾到過內地返港的家長及同學應本着對自己及對別人的健康負責任的態度,一定要向有關機構及班主任報告,並執行14天自我隔離。根據有關法律規定,如有瞞報,可能需承擔法律責任及刑責。
We indeed care about those students and parents who visited mainland especially in Wuhan and Hubei.
According to the request epidemic prevention, parents and students who have been to mainland should take the responsibility to care for the health of others and yourself, you have to report to the staff of the Port Health Division of the Health Department and the class teacher, 14-day self-exclusion should be done by yourself. According to laws and regulations, legal responsibilities and criminal liabilities may be required if there is a concealment.

6. 如果家長有任何問題需要查詢,可致電學校(辦工時間:上午九時正至下午四時正)或電郵聯絡班主任反映。若學生出現情緒問題方面需要協助,可聯絡本校的輔導老師陳瑩影。同時,為了大家的健康,我們需要清楚掌握每位同學的健康狀況。如果老師向家長查詢相關資料、了解孩子的健康狀況、生活情況,請大家理解及支持,主動配合。
If parents have any enquires, please contact the school (office hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) or you can send an email to the class teacher. If students have any problems in emotion, you can contact the Student Guidance Teacher (SGT) Ms. Chan. To concern the health of everyone, we need to understand the health condition of every single student. If the class teacher asks about the relevant information about your children health, life style or other, please show your understanding and support to cooperate with your initiative.

請緊記: Bear in mind:
清潔雙手保生命 Life should be saved with clean hands
齊心一致抗肺炎 Together we can overcome
大家也知曉:預防勝於治療 You know : Prevention is better than cure

Wishing all of you have good health and work out all your plans smoothly.

陳進華 校長

Chan Chun Wah, Fred


